Monday, January 25, 2016


This weekend involved lots of cuddles, hot cocoa, and a some competitive games of Scrabble. Were you hibernating inside to keep warm and stay cozy, too? Sometimes lazy weekends are just what the soul needs. I did kick it in gear for a short 30 minutes to get my heart pumping a bit, though.

I am struggling to actively pursue my New Year's Resolution of eating healthier and exercising more. How're your Resolutions going? Are you still going strong, or you facing constant mental battles like me? I have found that rewarding myself with something tasty after a refreshing workout is just the motivation I need.

After some lunges and push-ups, I threw together one of my favorite smoothies, that I like to call the Berry Delight. 

The recipe is super simple! 

1/2 Cup of Strawberries
1/2 Cup of Raspberries 
1/2 Cup of Blueberries
1 Frozen Banana
1 Cup of Almond Milk 
1 Cup of Spinach or Kale 
*I add flax seed and a half of an avocado to make it a little healthier 

1. Place all ingredients in a large blender or nutribullet 
2. Blend for approximately one minute until desired consistency 
*Ice can be added to thicken smoothie & more milk can be added for a creamier smoothie

Hope you enjoy!!!


  1. Maddie! I love this post. Your pictures look fabulous. Do you use a real camera? If so, what kind do you have? I've been wanting to invest in a good quality camera for blogging and traveling.

  2. Thanks so much, Tori! Yes, I use a Cannon Rebel T5. It has been a game changer for me! Hope you're doing well!

    1. Oh! Awesome. I will have to start saving for one then. Your picture quality looks amazing. Thanks for the tip. I am doing well. Cory is moving to California, so I will be moving there when I graduate at the end of July. It's pretty crazy, but we are so excited for the adventure together. I hope you are doing well too!

  3. Definitely struggling with eating healthier this year too but we are true to our morning smoothies in this house and always looking to mix it up - this one looks great!


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